Installation using graphical installer

GUI install

You just want to run falcon with a set of selected extensions and you don’t want to look at the code ? This part is for you. In parallel, we developed a cmake-client python gui to automatically create an installation of Falcon.

conda config --append channels KloostermanLab
conda env create -n falcon cmake>=3.11
conda activate falcon
conda install pyyaml pyqt=5 pkgconfig appdirs fklab-cmake-gui pyzmq zeromq
fklab-build --gui false --path \
        --version 1.3.0  \
        --build_options DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME/opt/falcon-core"

You can read the readme file in the fklab-cmake-gui repository for more information on how the gui is working.

Information specific to the build of falcon asked in the app :

A grid with available extensions will be display. You can add your own extensions if needed but note that falcon-core does not contains any extensions. If you want to use the core extensions, you need to have the “falcon-fklab-extension” selected. The extensions are stored in this repository.

This step is optional and will allow falcon to more finely control CPU core utilization.

sudo setcap 'cap_sys_nice=pe' `which falcon`

Once, the app has been installed (without errors) you can continue to the section Launch Falcon from command line.

Python install

You can also used the fklab-build tool to build the app in fast mode without using the gui.

fklab-build --gui false --build_options DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME/opt/falcon-core"

Cmake options are available to configure the build. It can be added with the argument --build_options OPTIONS (without - before D)


All dependencies should be automatically installed but in case an error occurs with cmake or with the zmq library, you can install them yourself before clean the build in the app and launched again the installation


The build system is based on CMake (minimum version 3.11). Last version of CMake are available through pip.

pip install cmake
  • zeromq

sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev